Hello rustaceans

Starting with Rust ?

Recently, I was going through many guides and tutorials to have a good understanding of rust for some projects to be yet, cooked. I thought “why not just write leave a few trails behind..

Why Rust ?

Rust is cool : due to these reasons crabs are sexy – Rust is used for three essential purposes in programming; performance, safety, and memory management ,also control freaks love these combo. From experience I tried It and there is no BS straight legit “ If the code is perfect it will work” straight to the every detail. Long story short I was once learning C from scratch and at some point I loved the process but later on hated It. maybe i was bored or had little resources back in the day.. but this looks promising.

How to start and where ?

Ok, so the materials here took some time but was worth it.. if i am about to start from begining.. will probably start from here

This short tour will give you an idea also check out rust-official-book

If you are more of a tutorial guy just go for it after that come back practise your skills here which is Rust playground to run your code and try out..

I have some other materials aswell just checkout.



Rust-by-practise or Rustlings

Rusty-ext1 other materials will be also updated, based on beginner friendly nature.

Preparing environment for Rust programming

If you got this covered then no problem but if excited to try out:


Just go to Rust-official click that get started button and you are good to go, everything is there buddy..


Setting vscodium with some plugins maybe fine for your average use. plugins : rust-analyzer, CodeLLDB, Better TOML

you can add even more and make a big bloat.

For the best experience i will suggest RustRover by Jetbrains. The IDE dedicated for rust.


join the r/rust community on reddit if you are a reddit guy or you can check out rust forums aswell.

Programming Basics Cheat Sheet (rust)

Variables and Constants

  • Variables: Containers for storing different types of information.
    • Example: let age = 25;
  • Constants: Hold unchanging values.
    • Example: const PI: f64 = 3.14159;

Primitive Data Types

  • Integers: Whole numbers.
    • Example: let count = 10;
  • Floats: Decimal numbers.
    • Example: let pi = 3.14;
  • Characters: Letters, symbols, or numbers.
    • Example: let letter = 'A';
  • Booleans: True or false values.
    • Example: let is_raining = false;

Memory Allocation

  • Stack: Easily accessible storage.
  • Heap: Long-term storage.

Type Systems

  • Static Type Systems: Fixed blocks.
  • Dynamic Type Systems: Rebuildable blocks.

Type Casting and Conversion

  • Casting: Changing shape.
  • Conversion: Translating between types.

Bitwise Operations

  • AND, OR, XOR: Mixing binary bits.
  • Shifting: Moving binary bits.

Data Structures

  • Arrays: Boxes in a line.
  • Lists, Stacks, Queues: Different organization methods.

Binary and Hexadecimal

  • Binary: 0s and 1s.
  • Hexadecimal: Representing numbers with more colors (digits).


  • Big-Endian: Left to right writing.
  • Little-Endian: Right to left writing.

Overflow and Underflow

  • Overflow: Container too small for contents.
  • Underflow: Trying to take out more than available.